Friday, July 31, 2020

Surreal Paintings Inspired by Wildlife by Artist Vanessa Foley

UK based contemporary artist Vanessa Foley paints birds with mind-boggling details. I blogged her about her work on the blog previously here. Her work is done primarily in rich color palette, despite the dark colors the delicate brush strokes bring delicacy to her stunning birds. She has painted all sorts of birds for her ongoing series including owls, herons, hornbills, vultures, and many more.

Her paintings are regularly shown at galleries all around in the UK and USA, and her work is in private collections worldwide. She is presently a member of The VACVVM, an international cult of illustrators co-founded by Aaron Horkey & Mitch Putnam.

She releases her affordable originals online twice a year. Since these pieces get sold quickly you can subscribe to the mailing list for an exclusive notification for these events. Visit this page for details on how to be on the list.

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