Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Kate's Wild Friends: Beautifully Bizarre Fabric and Clay Art Dolls

Kate is an textile artist and a sculptor based in Russia. I recently stumbled across her bizarre beautiful work for 'Kate's Wild Friends' and was blown away by her unusual style of doll making.

To make her dolls Kate uses materials including vintage and new cotton fabrics, wood shavings, glass granules, goat hair, and glass eyes. The dolls are dressed in clothes and mask that are painted with acrylics, watercolors and pastels. The color scheme throughout the process of constructing a doll is kept close to what brings them a timeless aged feel. The dolls have movable limbs, wings, tails and removable clothes. Her dolls can be shipped worldwide. To find more information on shipping rates and for any question related to her work contact her through Instagram.