Patrick Gundersen is a crystal finder born in Norway, at the age of 4 moved to Australia with his mother. His journey and later what became his career started at his school. One day, his geology teacher brought a large quartz crystal found locally by one of the parents, to show to the class and Patrick got instantly interested in crystals and never looked back. Patrick has been working with crystals for over 15 years now, self-collecting unique gems and hand-selecting from travels around the globe.
"Crystals are just one of the many precious gifts the earth has to offer us, millions of years in the making, their amazing colors lying in darkness waiting for human hands to hold them."
He has been working on an ongoing series "Crystal Creature" where he gets to combine his passion for art and his life-long fascination with the mineral kingdom. The series features flora and fauna, and other objects fused in with beautiful crystals.
These artworks feature black and white photography including of the crystals the artist collected on his travels, combined together digitally layer upon layer and re-tinted with color to finish the process. The end result is stunning! If you are fond of beauty in the stone then you must visit Instagram to join him on this adventure. To see the available art prints, visit his online store - Folk Stone.