Friday, February 5, 2021

Package Design: Sanitas Brewing

Sanitas Brewing is a beer brand started by Michael Memsic and Chris Coyne in 2013. Based in Boulder, Colorado the brand has the owl as their representative featured on their beer cans and bottles. The idea to have the owl as their brand's mascot came from an interesting story they shared on their website, they "noticed owls watching over them during their brewery brainstorming days". They probably saw about 20 owls flying in and out throughout the process of opening the brewery. It was only obvious they were inspired to have the nocturnal creature as the logo of their beer.

The owners believe beer bring people together. They want to create a product that can be enjoyed after work, to decompress or to celebrate in their taproom. It's a place where outdoors meets indoors, "The logo [with its clean lines and use of white space] fits the feel in here— it's contemporary meets industrial. The beer is the most important thing." The logo with clean lines with an stencil style owl motif doesn't take away from the focus on the beer.